REPORT: Woman scream Dolcedo 2024
Claudi Piripippi voluntary coordinator
Imperia, March 12th, 2024
Dolcedo. It. -On March 10th — despite days of torrential rain, bleak weather forecast and a last-minute fall of hail, we came together regardless. This magic opened the dark clouds up in a window of sunny blue sky! It was amazing and powerful: a wonderful event. In spite of the cold wet weather, more than 50 people from surrounding villages and towns attended and loved it from the heart. We are overjoyed and proud to have been part of the Woman Scream Festival that gave us an opportunity to creatively gather and support one another.
Artists and creative women — Anja Steinhauer, Carla Guglieri, Claudi Piripippi, Delia Kunze, Elena Spadola, Lauretta Dal Cin, Mary Kunda Albanese, Monica Orengo, Pierangela Fierro, Rosanna Binaggia, Rossana Rubino, Ursula Steiner — together with fabulous Dolcedo’s cultural association U Casô Növu, the Municipality and the community of Dolcedo — livened up the area of the ancient bread oven with art, food and music. People came to interact with different forms of creative expression. Ceramics, photography, installation, painting, sculpture, textiles, theatre and video were represented. Each brought something special to the occasion, from a homemade cake to their amazing organizational skills.
A whole team of volunteers greatly contributed to the success of the event by accomplishing a series of endless behind-the-scenes-tasks that any event (no matter how big or small) requires: from printing posters and leaflets to the preparation of the aperitif, to setting up the buffet, to serving delicious snacks, to farming and picking up beautiful flowers, to making flower bouquets and decorative composition, to taking photos and video, to cleaning and clearing up (before and after), lifting, shifting, moving things around, helping with the technical aspects lending technical equipment and expertise, communicating, to PR and social media, to setting up tends: in other words a whole community bringing and sharing their knowledge and unique skills if not only their good spirits and energy! It’s really been an all-around collaborative effort, a truly enriching, nourishing experience, if at times testing, it that has made us very proud and more aware.
The event started at around 3pm with: Il Vaso di Pandora ovvero il femminile come agente di trasformazione, an hour long interactive experimental theatre performance and was followed by the official opening of the exhibition and an aperitif where we mingled and shared.
Woman Scream Dolcedo 2024 has been a creative event that made our community grow!
Freauenschrei, Ursula Steiner |
Non Calpestatemi, Rossana Rubino |
Le Cri, Anja Steinhauer |
For more photos and details about the event you can click here
Thanks for your support and solidarity, please help us spread the word. :)