The Woman Scream (Grito de Mujer®) cause, open its first international call for poetry written by women. Woman Scream events have always welcome all gender voices, but to celebrate our 10th anniversary of creation, we will be creating a special edition anthology related to the SCREAM as a mean of expression, from a female point of view.
Woman Scream in its altruistic work that gathers all art during the month of march, to raise awareness about women/girls’ rights and against abuse prevention.
We will be selecting the submitted poems based on quality, relevance to the subject and originality. We hope to receive poetry from women whose words break the silence and reach into the hearts of those who cannot speak up. We are looking for an intimate, personal SCREAM.
This book will be edited by our Rosado Fucsia editorial project, and will be available for printing on demand worldwide through Amazon, if anyone wishes to buy a printed copy as a form of donation to our cause, please feel welcome.
We will have no contact with the submitting poets, except the chosen ones. The list of selected poets will be published on the blog or in our Facebook Page as Woman Scream Festival. Please follow us for further details.
-Must be 18 years old or older to participate.
-Send ONE poem * in English, that speaks about the power of a SCREAM, as a mean of liberation, expression, healing or relief, from a female point of view (Please try not to entitle it “Woman Scream”.
The submitting poets should understand that our project is a platform for a diverse range of readers and follower so, we don’t accept offensive material. Doesn’t matter if the poem has already been published or not.
-Extension will be between one to three pages (max.)
-You must send written authorization for publication (See format indicated in point II of this call).
II -Format:
-You must send 2 (two) files with the following, in the same order indicated:
• File 1:
· Contact email (please double check that its correct)
· Your name
· Country where you’re from
· Short biography (3 lines max.)
· Title and submitted poem
Format of the poem: Word file, Times New Roman letters, size 12, single spacing. (We will not accept poems written in ALL CAPS).
• File 2:
(Format PDF) It must contain this authorization note:
I (name and legal ID number) understand that I authorize the Fundación Mujeres Poetas Internacional MPI, Inc, the Woman Scream cause, and the Grito de Mujer® brand, to publish and promote my submitted material in any virtual, digital, or printed way for the promotion and distribution of the published anthology. This by no means implies that I’ll be receiving royalties or rewards for this. I also understand that this way, I am contributing to the Woman Scream altruistic and nonprofit projects. I understand that I keep all rights of my work, and I will be able to publish it where I desire once it has been selected.
(We reserve the right of admission of works that do not meet these requirements).
III -Mailing your poem:
• Submission will only be accepted by email sent to: WomanScream(@)gmail(.)com
Subject: WS Contest.
(You will receive an automatic email as the only confirmation of reception. Please do not save this email to your contacts. We will be deactivating it once the call ends, please do not send SPAM).
IV – Expiration:
This call will expire Sunday, February 25, 2020 at 12 p.m. local time. Material submitted after that date will be dismissed.
Thanks for participating!
It is fair to clarify that Woman Scream is a volunteer cause. We are not an editing company nor books printing company. Participation is free, we cover all design costs and make this books to meet and promote new women poets of talent and give them a space, whenever possible, in the events and calls of our cause. We don't buy your author rights, participation in a beautiful book to serve a cause is our reward. Thank you for your support!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your support and solidarity, please help us spread the word. :)