Woman Scream 2019 -We have been heard!

Woman Scream 2019-Barcelona, Spain

The submissive, are not as many! The humbles, the despised, marginalized, harassed and humiliated, today have raised their hands, and their voices. We have raised our SCREAM against the wind. We have flown towards the emancipation of our voices, without pausing our wings. We have burst the silence... we have been heard!

Woman Scream 2019-Puerto Rico
Woman Scream 2019-Closure Dominican Republic

Thank you, women of light, for a new Woman Scream Festival! For helping us raise the self-esteem of those who have lost their voices and have submitted to discrimination and despair. Women poets, artists, spokespersons of this cause, spreading a message of hope that does not denigrate us as women, but raises our thinking capacity to do, to show the world that we are more and deserve as much. We know how to fight for our rights intelligently and in a dignifying way.

Woman Scream 2019-Venezuela

Thank you gentlemen of our cause, for joining out of solidarity, for being part the group of those who recognize that, only united, we can achieve this dream of living a life without violence, based on moral values, where women cease to be the axis of all perversity, and our contribution to a better world is recognized without discrimination.

EXPO Woman Scream 2019-Cordoba Spain
During a month, our scream has been spread. The Woman Scream Festival (Grito de Mujer) in its ninth edition was heard. Around 35 countries in five continents got united in a single voice, in a single shout. A simultaneous chain of events throughout the month of March 2019  celebrated around 250 events, adopting the motto "I Scream for Me", because a scream for ourselves sometimes is necessary.

Woman Scream 2019-Portugal
When so many voices around the world join hands to deliver a message of brotherhood, of nonviolence against women, it is necessary to create a conscience alert. In a society where selfishness, nepotism, and machoism (of men and women) are priority, the fact that such a large group of people rejects anti-values, and demands rights equality, in this case, in favor of women, it tells us that still, in the midst of technological advances, in the era of light for humanity, it is questionable that women have to scream "enough" before laws, behaviors and fixed customs that, demoralize them more and more, to the point of making them believe it’s a "natural thing".

Woman Scream 2019-Norway

I personally believe that we have reached a period when a revision of conscience about women’s roles in society becomes necessary. We must review the patterns we have been following for years, sometimes without even realizing we do. We must aspire a fair share of gender equality with equanimity and intelligence, without denigrating anyone, nor denigrating ourselves. We must claim our rights to a life without abuse or violence, with dignity, but above all, without abusing or violating others rights in our way to that.

Woman Scream 2019-Nigeria
Woman Scream has been leaving its trail of voices since 2011, and our voices are still being heard today. We wish to see the day when we don’t need to raise our voices to be heard, the day when we don’t have to wear hashtags (#) of "no more", "me too", "no is no" or any other campaign to show how tired we are of abuse and rights inequality.

EXPO Woman Scream 2019-Mexico City
We would like to close this Woman Scream 2019 season, with the hope of having left a combative seed planted inside each and every single people touched by our events, and that our voices germinate in the depths of their darkness until there is a change, until there is light.

May the scream be heard!

Jael Uribe
President of Women Poets International Movement ( MPI Inc.)
Founder Woman Scream Festival

Woman Scream 2019-Barcelona Spain
Woman Scream 2019-Pamplona Spain