2nd. International Encounter of Women Poets International Movement and Woman Scream 2018 Opening

General program of the 2nd. International Encounter of Women Poets International Movement MPI Inc. and the opening of the Woman Scream (Grito de Mujer) International Poetry and Arts festival 2018: “Flashlights of Hope”, in honor of mothers around the world. Toluca-México

(From the 1st to the 5th of March)

Details at
www.gritodemujer.com calendar menu.

Participants: National and foreign poets and artists, friends, collaborators and followers of the Woman Scream cause worldwide.

Note: The participation program is now complete. Thank you for helping us spread the word in all possible media, and for your assistance in supporting this beautiful cause.


March 1, 2018

-Cultural tour through the city of Mexico.

-Presentation of our Anthology “Faros de Esperanza” (Flashlights of hope), homage to mothers. Centro Cultural Jose Martí. 12:30 pm

-Poetry reading and artistic presentation at the Sala Adamo Boari, Palace of Fine Arts, México city. Time: 4:00 p.m. (Open to the public)


March 2, 2018

- Cultural meeting in Toluca and Tenango del Valle of poets and artists invited with students from different schools. 10:00 am

-Concert of the Symphonic Orchestra of the State of Mexico. Concert Hall Felipe Villanueva. 7:00 p.m. (Gala dress, by invitation)


March 3, 2018

-Recital Opening Woman Scream 2018: "Flashlights of Hope". Botanical Garden Cosmovitral. 9:30 am- 12:00 pm
(Open to the public)

-Awarding ceremony with featured Woman Scream collaborators. Recital of poetry and music 6:00 pm-9: 00 pm. José María Velazco Museum (By invitation)


March 4, 2018

-Exhibition of luxury vehicles by the Friends of the Mustang Club.
(By choice, free morning to get to know the city) from 10:00 am. Zócalo de Toluca.

-Expo "Faros de Esperanza" by the Dominican painter Yan Páez. Poetic Recital-Musical at Plaza Las Américas Metepec, 3 pm. at 6pm. (Open to the public).


March 5th

Farewell-Return. Optional tour around the city for those who wish to stay longer.