Woman Scream rewards outstanding contributors

The day March 4, 2016, the Foundation Mujeres Poetas Internacional (MPI) Inc. (Women Poets International Movement) and the Grito de Mujer® (Woman Scream brand), held in the halls Rafaelhoteles Ventas 4 in the city of Madrid, Spain, a gala dinner where took place the 1st International Encounter of the MPI Movement with poets, friends and followers of the cause Grito de Mujer. The night began with a magnificent dinner for 120 people, continuing with a recital of international Spanish speaking poets and the intervention of about 40 poets, and associates of the Woman Scream cause.

The Dominican writer, President of MPI, Jael Uribe, dedicated an emotional speech with words dedicated specifically to each of her collaborators present in the meeting. At the end of the night it took place an awards ceremony between tears and emotions for the Woman Scream festival coordinators and MPI outstanding collaborators present that day. Uribe, did not only deliver them a beautiful certificate with the figure of the "winged woman", which is the symbol that identifies the Grito de Mujer® brand, but also surprised them with the trophy itself, as a form of gratitude for the loyalty during the many years of loyalty and volunteer work.

The team members who received awards are: Antonia Cerrato, Idoia Carramiñana, Adirane Azcuenaga, Maria Pizarro, Encarnación Sánchez Arenas, Rosa Garde, Bouchrail Echchaoui (Morocco), Berkis Contreras (USA), Ivonne Sánchez Barea, María Sanchez, Helena Staghouraki (Greece), Pedro Vera, Asuncion Caballero.

Other team members received certificates of recognition: Zulma Quiñones (Puerto Rico), Teresita Calderon (Switzerland), and the followers Carmen Rey Hernandez, Inma Diez, Edith Fernandez and Sergio Perez for their unconditional involvement with the cause.

The Foundation Mujeres Poetas Internacional (MPI) Inc. and Grito de Mujer® gives thanks to all the supporters of the Woman Scream cause around the world.