The 4th Woman Scream International Poetry Festival
ended last March 31, 2014 with an exceptional rate of success. Over thirty
countries joined this innovative project, celebrating over a hundred events
worldwide to commemorate women’s month with poetry and art in all its manifestations.
The main goal was to carry out messages against women violence. The initiative was
first launched in 2011 at the Dominican Republic, and spread worldwide with the
support of multiple institutions and partners who shared the common goal.

Among the committed countries that performed Woman Scream this year are: Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, USA,
Canada, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua,
Peru, Honduras, Haiti, Panama, Guatemala, Bolivia, Chile, Portugal, Brazil,
France, Germany, UK, Russia, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Australia, Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Kosovo, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Angola, Ghana, and South
Woman Scream International Poetry Festival (Grito de Mujer) was started by the Dominican poetess and designer Jael
Uribe, President (MPI) grows each year, and gets translated into
several languages thanks to the altruism of hundreds of people and
initiatives that support its work, allowing Woman Scream to echo across
frontiers, breaking silence for a noble cause.
Uribe thanked
each and every one of the coordinators from their cities, who she called “the
real heroes and heroines of this cause”, and most especially to those who
joined this project since the beginning, for believing in the greatness of her
dream and as she said, in the opening at the Dominican Republic:
-" Thank you all, for
making my dream something yours."
This are Woman Scream 2014 heroes:
SPAIN : Pedro Luis Ibáñez , Nuria Espinosa , Creative Women Vallés, Virtues Reza , MarÃa Sánchez , Ana Belén , Juan Francisco González , Canary Caribbean Studies Center , The Atlantic, Poetry Workshop " Espejo de Paciencia " Anabel Cendrero , Antonia Cerrato, Rosa Garde, Amnesty International Málaga, AndalucÃa GEMS Education , Red Butterfly, CRUMBS Association , Cultural Association Namasté , Dana Vignati , Liisa Lahdenmäki , Isabel MartÃnez Ascension , Irel Faustina Bermejo, Pedro Vera , Ascension Garcia, Beatrice Borgia, Ivonne Sanchez Idoia Carramiñana .
MEXICO : Monica Gameros , José Emilio Pacheco House , Lima Maya , Mexico Association of Women Embracing , Enma Obrador , Maria Luisa and Rocio Alarcon, Francisco Gutiérrez , Alicia Meza, Alexandra Botto, Lucia Yepez, RocÃo Prieto Valdivia.
ARGENTINA : Gito Minore , Margarita Mangione, Maria Cristina Drese , Stella Maris Leone , Ministry of Culture Pehuajó, Alzira Ross, Marta Macias, Mariana Vacs , Alejandra Mendez, Mabel Pereyra, Fabiana Gabriela Rivero .
COLOMBIA : Janne Trespalacios Lorena , Ana MarÃa Gómez .
COSTA RICA : Mirambell Teresita Aguilar , Carlos Chavarria Diaz .
NICARAGUA : Augusta Maria Montealegre.
BOLIVIA : Rosse Marie Knight , Lu Daniela Gonzales, Dr. Viruz , Cecilia De Marchi Moyano , Coral Menacho Arteaga , Maria Zapata Natusky , Yellcka Kippes , Daniel Gonzalo Rodriguez.
PERU : Socorro Isabel Barrantes .
PANAMA : Dayra Olmedo Miranda .
ECUADOR : Paulina Jaramillo Soledad .
GUATEMALA : Chelita Aguilar, Andry Oliveros , Rosario Jerez, Poetry Slam Xela, Joshua Donald UrÃzar .
HONDURAS : Indira Flamenco.
CHILE : Monica Tapia , Silvia Ozório .
PORTUGAL : Writers Circle Moçambicanos na Diaspora.
BRAZIL: Tânia Livia Diniz and Tucci.
USA: Angelina Llongueras, Free Poets Collective, Colin Haskin , Dorothy Payne , Blanche S. Otero, Sylved Marrero, Mery Larrinua , Pilar Velez Foundation Between Us , Yudelka War Berkis Contreras, link you Hispanoamerican Arts and Cultural Organization, Vanessa Torres.
CANADA: Friends of the Poetree Mistress Moon.
FRANCE : Prisca Stephanie Melyon - Reinette et Melyon - Reinette ( NEFTA Poetry ) , Gerald Toto , Prisca Melyon - Reinette , Anansi Office'Elle Viviane Melyon , Espace Viv'Elle .
HAITI : Organisation Feministe D' Elles, Darline Guilles .
RUSSIA: Teresita Calderon.
KOSOVO : Ilire Zajmi .
GREECE : Helena Stagkouraki .
GHANA : People of Equal Thoughts and Spirit POETS
SOUTH AFRICA : Tralone Khoza .
NIGERIA: Temi Bamgbose .
ZIMBABWE : Batsirai E Chigama .
TANZANIA : Neema Komba , The Poetista .
Thanks for your support and solidarity, please help us spread the word. :)