Woman Scream 2012 ended with big success last Saturday March 31, 2012 in the city of San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic, registered office, the 2nd. International Poetry Festival "Woman' Scream" organized by the Movement Women Poets International (Mujeres Poetas Internacional MPI) in conjunction with 12 other events in about 8 countries. This festival was in its second version with a special recital of the XV International Book Fair in the Dominican Republic and participation of events in approximately 28 countries and cultural agreements in other 2 for a total of 30 countries and a schedule that spanned more than 90 events with a comprehensive work schedule that ranged from lectures, poetry readings, performance, theater, dance, music to exhibitions and fairs worldwide. It involved the active participation and collaboration of many Goodwill Ambassadors of the movement, his followers on social networks and the support of several ministries, commissioners, city councils, Amnesty International and others. The original idea comes from the Dominican writer Jael Uribe, founder of the MPI which has taken the network as active medium, with the aim of contributing to the social mission of transmitting messages in favor of women and the recovery self-esteem, but especially against the violence perpetrated against children, and scourge that has been gaining strength in recent times.
Among the countries and actors responsible for carrying out this great and necessary proposal, we can mention:
Dominican Republic (San Pedro de Macoris) Jael Uribe Women Poets International Movement (MPI), The Cultural Center "Maria la O", The Literary Group "Dominguez Francisco Charro") Luxembourg (Miriam R. Krüger) Spain (Barcelona) María Tortosa, Manresa-Barcelona ("Rincon de La Salamandra"), Ruby-Barcelona (Nuria Espinosa Mujeres Creativas del Vallés), Toledo (Verbalina y Sendero Iberos), Palmas Gran Canaria (Centro de Estudios Caribeños-El Atlantico-Area Cultural D / C, the Poetry Workshop "Espejo de Paciencia" y Anabel Gonzalez Cendrero) Bajadoz-Extremadura (Antonia Cerrato Association MIGAS), Malaga (Amnesty International and Rose Garde Nicolas, Group ALAS, Murcia City (Irel Faustina, Isabel Bermejo and A. Martinez Miralles), Aguilas-Murcia (Pedro Vera), Valencia (Beatrice Borgia), Cájar-Granada (Ivonne Sanchez Barea), Mexico (DF and Metropolitan Area (Monica Gameros, the World Poetry Festival-Worldfest and Casa José Emilio Pacheco), Veracruz (Francisco Gutierrez Romero, Jalisco, Guadalajara (David Castellanos, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas (Santos Dias de la Poesia), Chihuahua (Soe Alicia Meza (Alixia Mexa), Morelia, Michoacán (Colectivo "Las Garbanceras") Montserrat Aguilar Ayala, Argentina: Buenos Aires Gito Minore and Irel Alma, Chacabuco (Alcira Ross), Santa Fe 2 events (Mi Refugio Civil Association and Patricia Severin, Santiago del Estero (Fundacion Para la Innovacion Educativa) Silvia Picolli, Unquillo (Graciela Mirolo), La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada (Marta Macias), Rosario (Mariana Vacs and Alejandra Mendez), Patagonia Cipolletti-Rio-Negro (Mabel Pereyra), Colombia: Cali (Ana Maria Gomez Velez), Barranquilla (Alfredo Enriquez Gonzalez Barrios and La Sombra del matarratón Foundation), Venezuela: Caracas (La Gran poetada), Bolivia: Santa Cruz (Rosse Marie Caballero), Peru: Trujillo (Luz Karina Bocanegra), Lima (José Manuel Luque Taco), Panama (Dayra Olmedo Miranda), Guatemala: (Ana Alfaro, Xila Poetry Slam, Slam Poetry Guatemala and Letra Negra), Cuba: Las Tunas (Xiomara Rodriguez Avila), Puerto Rico: San Juan (Zulma Quiñones and El Sur Visita el Sur), Humacao (AIPEH), Chile: Valparaiso (Monica Tapia Espinoza), Santiago (Carla Del RioValdés ), Ovalle (Karim Olivares Ossio), Uruguay (Ana Lazo Tessier), USA: Miami, Florida ( Mery Larrinua and Pilar Velez, Santa Rosa, California (Santa Rosa Peace and Justice Center, and Michael Rothenberg, Teri Carrion of 100 Thousand Poets for Change), San Francisco and Modesto California (Jane Pearl and Vielka Solano), New Jersey (Berkis Contreras Suriel ), San Antonio, Texas (Erika Said Izaguirre), England London (Hispanic American Women Writers Workshop in Memory), France: Paris (Nefta Poetry and Chynthia Phibel), Russia: St. Petersburg (Teresita Calderon), Kosovo: Prishtina (Edi Shkuriu and Ilire Zajmi), Africa: Maseru, Lesotho (Sechaba Chabintjie Keketsi and Poetry Farm), Port Elizabeth (Linda Ann Strang), Morocco Larache (Ragala Ahmed Al Andalus Association), Germany Berlin (Women's Intercultural Center SUSI and Sonia Solarte Orejuela ), Sweden: Gothenburg (Jeanette Montoya).
Woman Scream initiative is supported by men, women and children in addition to this noble cause. All entities interested in supporting this initiative as a sponsor or co-operate, you can do within existing guidelines established, and follows a very detailed protocol action. The work of the Movement Women Poets International (MPI), is arduous, and involves the support of Spanish-speaking women poets in the creation of joint projects to disclose these worthy representatives of the letters, while serving as a platform to meet the new talent through the aforementioned festival.
The MPI is grateful to all friends, colleagues, ambassadors and institutions that have echoed this second call that practically has gone around the world, enlarging the cultural and social mission have been proposed in favor of women and literature, in this case poetry. What words fly in the wind! and its echo through our minds for posterity and the development of new policies that support actions like this in favor of poetry and implementation of effective actions that minimize the impact of violence against women.
For more pictures to click here: ALBUM
Thanks for your support and solidarity, please help us spread the word. :)